Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Aragorn and Arwen

Aragorn and Arwen. In my opinion, one of the best couples ever. So sweet!
(Picture: courtesy of ~Dreamvision~ arts)


  1. Aiya, my queen! Elvithian is I, though you probably already know that. :o) I agree that Arwen and Aragorn make a very cute couple. You should post that pic you have to Aragorn and the women who love him. ;o)

    1. Aiya Elvithien! Hantanyel for visiting my blog! I posted the pic you requested! ;)

  2. They are the best couple, in thriller movies that is.

  3. Well, I wouldn't call Lord of The Rings a thriller movie per se. It is more a fantasy movie. But I know what your driving at. :)


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